Transportation Improvement Program

Mercer County Transportation Planning

2025-2028 Mercer County Draft Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

 Public Comment Period: May 06, 2024 until June 06, 2024

Public Hearing: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 2:00pm. Public Hearing will be in-person at MCRPC offices and online. To join the meeting virtually by computer, tablet or smartphone please visit: To dial in by phone call: +1 (872) 240-3412 long distance rates may apply). The Meeting Access Code is 721-015-909.


2025-2028 TIP Documents

2025-2028 TIP Legal Ad

2025-2028 TIP Development/Project Selection Process

2025-2028 TIP Title VI/LEP Plan

2025-2028 TIP Transportation Performance Management Narrative

2025-2028 TIP Environmental Justice Analysis

2025-2028 TIP Fiscal Constraint Table 

PA State Interstate TIP

2025-2028 TIP Air Quality Conformity Determination Report 

2025-2028 TIP Air Quality Resolution 

2025-2028 Bridges and Highway TIP Narrative and Air Quality Analysis 

2025-2028 Transit TIP Narrative and Air Quality Analysis 

2025-2028 Interstate TIP Narrative and Air Quality Analysis 

2025-2028 Highway TIP Map

2025-2028 Bridges TIP Map

2025-2028 Transit Fiscal Capacity Analysis 

2025-2028 TIP-MOU for TIP Revisions

2025-2028 TIP-Self Certification Resolution

2025-2028 TIP Development Timeline

2025-2028 TIP Funding Not in STIP

            2023-2026 TIP Documents 

2023-2026 Highway TIP

2023-2026 Transit TIP

2023-2026 Interstate TIP

TIP Development and Project Selection Process

Environmental Justice Documentation

Transportation Performance Management Narrative 2023-2026 TIP

MOU for TIP Revisions

Air Quality Resolution

Air Quality Conformity Determination

Transit Financial Capacity Analysis 23-26 TIP

Title VI Policy Statement

TIP Timeline

TIP Financial Constraint Table

2023 TIP Legal Ad

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Shenango Valley MPO – Mercer County, Pennsylvania
2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
TIP Documentation- Public Comment Period Information

2021-2024 SVATS TIP – Notice of Public Review and Comment Period

2021-2024 TIP Project Selection Process

2021-2024 TIP Development  Timeline

2021-2024 TIP Highway & Bridge

2021-2024 TIP Highway & Bridge Narrative

2021-2024 TIP Highway Financial Constraint Table

2021-2024 TIP Transit

2021-2024 TIP Transit Public Narrative

2021-2024 TIP Transit Financial Capacity Analysis

2021-2024 TIP Interstate  TIP and Public Narrative

2021-2024 TIP Statewide Projects TIP and Public Narrative

2021-2024 TIP Transportation Performance Management Narrative

2021-2024 TIP Self Certification Notification

2021-2024 TIP Environmental Justice Documentation

2021-2024 TIP Public Participation Plan, Title VI Plan, Limited English Proficiency Plan

2021-2024 TIP MOU for TIP revisions

2021-2024 TIP Draft Air Quality Conformity Determination Report

2021-2024 TIP SVATS Air Quality Resolution

2021-2024 TIP List of Major Projects Implemented or Delayed from Previous TIP

Mercer County Transportation Planning

2025-2028 Mercer County Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

 Public Comment Period: May 6, 2024 until June 6, 2024

Virtual Public Hearing: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 2:00pm. To join the virtual meeting by computer, tablet or smartphone please visit: To dial in by phone call: 1-872-420-3412 (long distance rates may apply). The Meeting Access Code is 721-015-909.



Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Current TIP Documentation

The Shenango Valley Area Transportation Study is the legal instrument through which the Shenango Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) considers and approves plans and programs using federal and state funds for all modes of transportation in Mercer County.

The 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Mercer County includes highway, bridge, transit, and rail projects. It is a listing of projects expected to advance, using federal funds over the next four years. A draft air quality analysis of the TIP has also been prepared for review as required by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA).

Please be advised that this notice of public involvement and opportunity for public comment will satisfy the MPO Public Participation Plan and the program of projects requirements of the Urbanized Area Formula Program (Section 5307) of the Federal Transportation Administration.


2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Public Comment Documents

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – Notice of Public Review and Comment Period

2019-2022 TIP Project Selection Process

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – Highway and Bridge

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – Highway and Bridge Public Narrative

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – Transit

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – Transit Public Narrative

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – Transit Financial Capacity Analysis

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – Self Certification Resolution

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – Environmental Justice

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – Public Participation Plan

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – MOU for TIP Modification Procedures

2019-2022 SVATS  TIP – Air Quality Conformity Report FY19 TIP and LRTP

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – Air Quality Resolution

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – List of Major Regional Projects from the Previous TIP

2019-2022 SVATS TIP – SVATS Interstate TIP