Laws and Rights - Learn more about federal and state Fair Housing laws.
Affordable Housing Options
Housing Quality
Know your Tenant Rights through the pandemic.
Bias & Discrimination
Criminal acts and discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin, or low income could limit access to Fair Housing.
Financial Literacy
Financial aid resources and counseling programs:
Lack of Access to Opportunities
Persons with disabilities have a right to request reasonable accommodations.
Filing a Complaint

NOTICE of FAIR HOUSING OFFICER and COMPLAINT PROCESS for MERCER COUNTY (including the Town of Greenville, Grove City and Sharpsville Boroughs, Pine Township and the CITY OF FARRELL
This notice will serve to advise all residents of Mercer County (including the Town of Greenville, Grove City and Sharpsville Boroughs and Pine Township) and the City of Farrell that the following actions, if based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, familial status (families with children), or handicap (disability) is prohibited by Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Federal Fair Housing Act) and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act adds the additional protected classes of age, ancestry and use of guide or support animals because of the blindness, deafness or physical handicap of the user or because the user is a handler or trainer of support or guide animals are considered discriminatory:
- Refusing to sell or rent to, deal or negotiate with any person.
- Discriminating on terms or conditions for buying or renting housing.
- Discriminating by advertising that housing is available only to persons of a certain race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, handicap (disability), age, ancestry or with no animals.
- Denying that housing is available for inspection, sale or rent when it really is available.
- Blockbusting-for profit, persuading owners to sell or rent housing by telling them that minority groups are moving into the neighborhood.
- Denying or making different terms or conditions for home loans by financial institutions.
- Denying to anyone the use or participation in any real estate services, multiple listing services or other facilities related to the selling and renting of housing.
If you’re a person with a disability and require a reasonable accommodation, please contact the below Fair Housing Officer/Agency.
If you’re Limited English Proficient and require a document translation, please contact the below Fair Housing Officer/Agency.
All residents are hereby notified, that Dr. Erin Houston is designated as Fair Housing Officer for Mercer County (including the Town of Greenville, Grove City and Sharpsville Boroughs and Pine Township) and that any resident that believes they have been discriminated against under any of the above conditions may file a complaint with the Fair Housing Officer at the following address:
Dr. Erin Houston
Shenango Valley Urban League, 601 Indiana Avenue, Farrell, PA 16121
(724) 981-6154 (for TDD – dial 711 plus (724) 981-6154)
All residents are hereby notified, that Mayor Kimberly Doss is designated as Fair Housing Officer for the City of Farrell and that any resident that believes they have been discriminated against under any of the above conditions may file a complaint with the Fair Housing Officer at the following address:
Kimberly Doss, Mayor
City of Farrell, 500 Reomer Boulevard, Farrell, PA 16121
(724) 983-2703, (for TDD – dial 711 plus (724) 983-2703)
[email protected]