About Us
Our mission is rooted in the Municipalities Planning Code. We assist our 39 member municipalities to undertake and implement a variety of community and economic development plans/projects each year. Our 7 member staff is available to help you with all your municipal planning needs.
The Mercer County Regional Planning Commission originated in 1952 with seven municipal members. Today MCRPC has 39 member municipalities with 87 individual board seats including Mercer County.
Our mission is rooted in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. Our membership is made up of planning and elected officials and citizens at large.
Our services include, but are not limited to, preparation of comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, subdivision administration and ordinances, recreation planning, community facility planning, environmental assessments, grant writing and administration for a variety of programs including Communities of Opportunities, Community Revitalization Program, CDBG, PennVest, DCNR, HOME, etc. We also serve as the staff of the Metropolitan Planning Organization for transportation, and the Redevelopment Authority of Mercer County. Our full commission meetings are open to the public and are held each month on the 4th Tuesday at 7: 30 p.m. September through May. (December meeting is held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.)