Planning For Livable Communities

Please Call Our Office @ 724-981-2412

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Public Notices

Notice of Subdivision Process Fee Schedule Change (Click Here for Webpage)
Subdivision and Land Development Process Fee Schedule-Effective 9/01/2024 (Click Here for PDF)

Meetings Information

Webpage Last Updated 2/5/2025

Full Planning Commission Monthly Meeting – 2/25/2025 

1-28-25 Meeting materials

The next MCRPC regular monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25 at 7:00 PM.

This meeting will be in person and virtual.  The meeting agenda will be posted below and on the doors of the MCRPC office once available.  Please remember that depending on your individual phone plan that there may be a cost when calling in to attend the virtual meeting.  In addition to the virtual meeting the public can make comments on agenda items via email to [email protected], or via regular mail sent to 2491 Highland Rd. Hermitage, PA  16148.

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123

Access Code: 874-614-669

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:


Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting – 1/25/2025 

The MCRPC Finance and Personnel Committee will hold their next scheduled monthly meetings Tuesday, February 25 at 6:00 PM.

This meeting will be in person and virtual.  The meeting agenda will be posted below and on the doors of the MCRPC office once available.  Please remember that depending on your individual phone plan that there may be a cost when calling in to attend the virtual meeting.  In addition to the virtual meeting the public can make comments on agenda items via email to [email protected], or via regular mail sent to 2491 Highland Rd. Hermitage, PA  16148.

Finance-Personnel Committee Meeting: Tuesday: Tuesday, January 2025 at 6:00 PM (EST) January Agenda

Personnel-Finance Committee Mtg. Room

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
Access Code: 710-788-989
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121


Zoning & Subdivision Committee Mtg. Info -2/18/2025

MCRPC Zoning & Subdivision Mtg. The next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 18 at 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM (EST) 

The next MCRPC Zoning & Subdivision Committee meeting schedule will be in-person and virtual and will begin in 2025 (meetings will be on the third Tuesday of each month from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM or as scheduled). The meeting agenda will be posted below and on the doors of the MCRPC office once available. Please remember that depending on your individual phone plan that there may be a cost when calling in to attend the virtual meeting.  In addition to the meeting the public can make comments on agenda items via email to [email protected], or via regular mail sent to 2491 Highland Rd, Hermitage, PA  16148.

Meeting Information/material can be found by Click Here

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3412

Access Code: 674-536-501

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

Shenango Valley Area Transportation Study (SVATS) MPO Coordinating Committee Mtg. -3/11/2025

March 11, 2025, at 10:30 AM. Details to be added closer to the meeting.

The December 10, 2024, MPO Coordinating Committee meeting will be held at 10:30 AM virtually via GotoMeeting and in person.

Those wishing to attend can join the meeting in person or from a computer, tablet or smartphone at: or join in using a phone by dialing +1 (872) 240-3412 entering in the access code 721-015-909
Please be aware that there may be phone charges if calling into the meeting.  Check with your phone company to see if charges apply.

SVATS MPO Coordinating Committee Meeting

Tuesday December 10, 2024: 10:30am (EST) (Hybrid Meeting)

December 10, 2024, Agenda

December 10, 2024, Agenda Packet (With Attachments)

Draft June 25, 2024, Minutes

Draft September 10, 2024, Minutes 

2023 and 2025 TIP Informational Items and Modifications

2025-2027 SVATS MPO UPWP

SVATS MPO Complete Streets Policy

2025 SVATS MPO Safety Performance Target Setting


MCRPC News & Mtg. Information

Our mission is rooted in the Municipalities Planning Code. We assist our 39 member municipalities to undertake and implement a variety of community and economic development plans/projects each year. Our 7 member staff is available to help you with all your municipal planning needs.

The Mercer County Regional Planning Commission originated in 1952 with seven municipal members. Today MCRPC has 39 member municipalities with 87 individual board seats including Mercer County.

Our mission is rooted in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. Our membership is made up of planning and elected officials and citizens at large.

Our services include, but are not limited to, preparation of comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, subdivision administration and ordinances, recreation planning, community facility planning, environmental assessments, grant writing and administration for a variety of programs including Communities of Opportunities, Community Revitalization Program, CDBG, PennVest, HOME, etc. We also serve as the staff of the Metropolitan Planning Organization for transportation and the Redevelopment Authority of Mercer County. Our full commission meetings are open to the public and are held each month on the 4th Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. September through May. (December meeting is held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month).

Rooted in our Community

MCRPC is organized as a joint municipal planning commission in accord with Article XI of the Planning Code as existed prior to the amendments of Act 67 of 2000.

PA Municipalities Planning Code Act 247