911 Address Application

911 Address Application 2024 (Click Here)

What is a 911 Address?

A 911 address is an assigned property number using the Century System property-numbering standard, which the American Society of Planning Officials recommends for rural areas. In this system, numbers are based on fractions of a mile, indicating distances along the road. Equal intervals of 1/100th mile (52.8’) are used, allowing up to 200 numbers per mile (100 per each side of the road.) An individual property number is determined by dividing the distances (in feet) from the property’s access point on the road to the starting point for the road by 52.8 (1/100th mile).  The purpose of a 911 address is to ensure the location of a property and its accuracy for emergency service purposes as well as numbering individual properties as accurately as possible for mapping and possible future development.

How to get a 911 Address?

Mercer County GIS Department is now accepting and processing 9-1-1 address applications and providing 9-1-1 address verification letters.

It is preferable to request a 9-1-1 address or address verification letter through their online application: Click Here

If you are unable to complete the online application, you can submit a paper application via email to mercergis@mercercountypa.gov or mail a completed paper application to:

Mercer County Department of Public Safety

C/O 9-1-1 Addressing


Mercer, PA 16137

Please direct any additional questions to Sean McLaughlin @ 724-662-3800 ext. 2444 or mercergis@mercercountypa.gov


For more information or any questions, please contact (724) 981-2412 or e-mail mail@mcrpc.com.

For Paper Applicants: Complete the application and create a map showing the distances in feet between your driveway and the driveways to the left and right of your driveway and the distance between your driveway and the closest driveway on the opposite side of the road. Also, show the distance in feet between your driveway and the closest intersection.  It is important that all information on the application is filled out completely and correctly.  We depend on you for the information and accuracy of the map and information.